Video on Toenail Fungus Remedies

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Natural Remedies (Toenail Fungus Remedies)

Toenail Fungus Remedies

Oregano can be one of toenail fungus remedies. The oil of oregano, to be precise, acts as antibacterial and antiseptic. So, how to use the oil of oregano to treat your toenail and get rid of the nuisance fungus? The answer is, you can simply apply it directly on the infected nail. Some people use it twice a day, everyday until the problem gone while some others use it limit the use of the oil of oregano to a few weeks. Oregano’s oil can be mixed or combined with other oils like olive oils and tea tree oils.

Besides the oil of oregano, I want to mention here the other toenail fungus remedies. See, there are actually many natural remedies to treat you toenail from fungus. Most of this natural remedies contains antiseptic, that’s why they are all could works against the fungus.


Vinegar is also an antiseptic. Not only fungus, vinegar is very helpful to cure many other infections. Apple cider and cane cider are vinegar that you could use. This toenail fungus remedies can be applied without diluting it directly on the affected nail. Other ways you can do it is by soaking your nail on a basin with equal portions of vinegar and lukewarm water.

Tree Tea Oil

Tree Tea oil is not only useful and effective to cure acne, it also as popular as oil of oregano as one of the toenail fungus remedies. What makes Tea Tree oil effective against the fungus is it contains antiseptic and antifungal properties. Like oil of oregano, Tea Tree oil can be applied directly to the affected nail.

Vicks Vapor Rub

Believe it or not, Vicks can also work against fungus. Some says that the natural components of Vicks Vapor Rub are what make it a good toenail fungus remedies.

Toenail Fungus Remedies


Silk said...

Thanks for sharing your ideas on The Natural Remedies for treating a Toe nail Fungus. This is a great help!

Unknown said...

Excellent read. I like your style...have a good one!Nice blog! Keep it up!


nail fungus